Culinary Internship Program
Comfort food is amazing, wouldn’t you agree? In the Manna Café kitchen, rescued food is used to create an experience for our community that goes far beyond basic soup kitchen fare. Many low-income families and individuals are forced to choose between paying bills or enjoying a hot, home-cooked meal. But here at Manna Café, no one goes hungry, and it’s our goal that even the poorest of the poor experience the joy of comfort food that’s healthy, hearty, and flavorful. We believe in feeding our guests with the same care, plentiful helpings, and delectable choices we would provide our own family in our own home. We strive to give God our best work.
Manna Café culinary school interns are trained by a professional culinary instructor. They work in a commercial kitchen while learning the cooking skills needed for Manna Café’s hot meal programs. They also learn to plan, prepare, and serve meals throughout the year through hands-on experience and classroom training designed specifically for the food service industry. They are involved in event planning while delving into topics such as food safety, catering techniques, nutrition, using knives, preparing sauces, meats, soups, veggies, and much more. Our goal is that participants gain all the skills needed to obtain gainful employment in the food industry.
Interested? Contact us! If you love cooking, learning, and serving others, Manna Café’s Culinary Internship Program may be for you. Minimum of 20 work hours is required to receive weekly stipend of $75 plus meals. (Cost also includes the price of ServSafe certification.) For more information or to apply to the program, please email Culinary@MannaCafeMinistries.com.
Help Support Manna Café
Your support matters! It’s the generosity of people like you that enables Manna Cafe to tackle the problem of hunger in our community! Visit our donation page to learn how you can be a part of impacting your community.
Second Harvest Food Bank
Manna Café Ministries is a Partner Agency of Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.
Second Harvest is a private, not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization with a mission to feed hungry people and work to solve hunger issues in our community. Second Harvest works with a network of approximately 500 Partner Agencies like Manna Café Ministries to distribute food to those in need throughout 46 counties in Middle and West Tennessee. To learn more, visit secondharvestmidtn.org.

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