Mobile Pantry - Food Distribution - Manna Café Ministries

Mobile Pantry

In Cooperation with Second Harvest Food Bank

A Mobile Pantry is a one-day event (in cooperation with Second Harvest Food Bank) during which a trailer truckload of food is distributed to approximately 300 clients. The Pantry is unique from our other food programs in that it occurs at satellite locations in parts of the city not otherwise serviced, making food available to unique populations, including those without transportation.

  • Businesses, organizations, and churches are encouraged to sponsor Pantries in their neighborhoods.
  • Pantries engage approximately 50 volunteers (from city leaders to the homeless) in a collaborative, unified venture to benefit the disadvantaged.
  • Manna Café has conducted Mobile Pantries since 2010. Our goal is to conduct one every month.
  • Mobile Pantries allow for clients to receive a “bonus” food box—that “extra helping” that so many families need.
  • Pantries allow Manna Café to touch a large number of people in need and volunteers in the same day.

Upcoming Mobile Pantry Dates & Locations:

March 22 - Walton’s Chapel UMC - 2841 Hinton Road

April 26 - Living Hope, 225 Little Hope Church Rd.

May 31 - Grace Community, 2853 Dunlop Lane

June 21 - Salem Community Church - 2269 Seven Mile Ferry Road

Sept. 6 - Fellowship UMC, 2201 Peacher’s Mill Road

Oct. 4 - Potter's Hand Church, 1546 US 79, Dover

Nov. 1 - To be announced

Help Support Manna Café

Your support matters! It’s the generosity of people like you that enables Manna Cafe to tackle the problem of hunger in our community! Visit our donation page to learn how you can be a part of impacting your community.

Second Harvest Food Bank

Manna Café Ministries is a Partner Agency of Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.

Second Harvest is a private, not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization with a mission to feed hungry people and work to solve hunger issues in our community. Second Harvest works with a network of approximately 500 Partner Agencies like Manna Café Ministries to distribute food to those in need throughout 46 counties in Middle and West Tennessee. To learn more, visit

Second Harvest Food Bank - Manna Café Ministries

Manna Café is a proud partner of United Way of the Greater Clarksville Region, CMC Community Health Foundation, and Second Harvest Food Bank. For more info about these great organizations click their logos.

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