Volunteer at Manna Café
Manna Cafe’s mission is only made possible by the tireless work of hundreds of volunteers. We are incredibly grateful for our current volunteer family, but are always looking for more people to join our team. Scroll down to the red sign-up buttons to get plugged in to volunteer with Manna Café. Feel free to contact us at volunteer@mannacafeministries.com or 931-933-0970 with any questions or concerns that you have.
DRESS CODE: For your own safety and because of our Christ-centered mission, please follow our dress code. No open-toed shoes, short-shorts, saggy pants, or low-cut shirts. Thank you!
Some of our most pressing needs call for regular, consistent help (even one day per week). Those areas include drivers, office help, warehouse help, kitchen/ cooking help, handymen, data entry, and groundskeepers/landscapers.
If you can assist us in any of these specialized areas, please email volunteer@mannacafeministries.com.
sign up to volunteer in these areas!
Food Box Distribution
Mobile Café Hot Meals
Warehouse Help
Emergency Warming Center
Winter 2024—2025, as needed
This year, we have collaborated with Urban Ministries, who is leading the charge, and Madison St. UMC, who is hosting the warming center itself. The advantage of this partnership is that nearly twice as many of our homeless friends will be able to take refuge on cold nights as before, since the venue is very spacious. Please check our FB page to find out when the center is open. We need plenty of volunteers to ensure that everyone has a warm place to spend the cold nights.
To volunteer, donate, sponsor a meal, or find out more info, call or text 931-217-9461. Thank you!
Help Support Manna Café
Your support matters! It’s the generosity of people like you that enables Manna Cafe to tackle the problem of hunger in our community! Visit our donation page to learn how you can be a part of impacting your community.
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